
Nutrient Management

Strawberry Nutrient Management Guide for Oregon and Washington: Strawberry growers in Oregon and Washington raise fruit for both the processed and fresh markets, using both conventional and certified organic systems. This guide explains nutrient management for June-bearing and day-neutral cultivars — the two types of strawberries typically grown in the Pacific Northwest.

Biodiversity & Pest Management

Biocontrol of Spotted-wing Drosphila: Multiple biological control agents target SWD, including predators, parasitoids, nematodes and microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. Predators ambush and eat SWD, removing a substantial portion of them from the production system.

Spotted Wing Drosophila: A Quick, 7-Step Guide to Detecting SWD Larvae in Fruit: This brief guide illustrates how to test fruit for the presence of larvae from the Spotted Wing Drosophila.

A Detailed Guide for Testing Fruit for the Presence of Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) Larvae: This detailed guide illustrates how to test fruit for the presence of the Spotted Wing Drosophila larvae by crushing the fruit, immersing it into a salt or sugar solution, and examining the fruit debris for larvae and pupae.

Recognize Fruit Damage from Spotted Wing Drosophila: This publication shows damage caused by SWD on blueberries (Duke), raspberries (Malahat), strawberries (Seascape), cherries (Bing, Montmorency, and Rainier), and grapes (Pinot Noir, Chardonnay).

Host Range and Characteristics Affecting Fruit Susceptibility to Spotted-wing Drosophila: Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) can develop on a wide range of cultivated and wild, soft-skinned fruits. This complicates pest management because SWD populations can move among several hosts with different ripening times throughout the year, allowing them to survive and reproduce in many environments.

Noncrop Host Plants Used by Spotted-wing Drosophila: Dense vegetation surrounding commercial fields can create a suitable habitat for spotted-wing drosophila due to the shade, coolness and humidity it provides during the summer. Noncrop habitat may contribute to SWD pest pressure and affect sustainable integrated pest management strategies.

Cultural Control Strategies to Manage Spotted-wing Drosophila: Cultural controls can reduce spotted-wing drosophila population pressure by modifying the microclimate within the crop so that the environment does not promote SWD reproduction and survival.